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Holy Sacraments

We encourage you to be full and active participants in our parish life. Registration is required for the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony, and for certificates of eligibility for the sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriages outside the Parish. For more information about the sacraments, read below. 


Congratulations on the birth of your child! If you desire to have your son or daughter baptized please contact the parish office to register for a Baptism Preparation Class (should this be your first child). The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month after the eleven o’clock Mass. For Baptism guidelines and registration form, click here.



The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday afternoon starting at 3:00 p.m. in the confessional near the Sacred Heart of Jesus shrine. You may also arrange for the Sacrament by contacting the parish office. Penance Services are also celebrated each year during the Advent and Lenten seasons. 


First Eucharist and Confirmation

Inquiries for these Sacraments can be made through the Office of Religious Education by speaking directly with the Parish Catechetical Leader (extension 14).  



Congratulations! We are pleased that you are considering celebrating your marriage in the Catholic Church and here at Nativity of Our Lord Church. Typically arrangements are made one year in advance of the date you wish to celebrate your wedding. To make arrangements kindly contact the parish office (extension 10) and a priest/deacon will contact you.


Pastoral Care and Home Bound

We are sorry that you are suffering or unable to attend Mass each week, but want you to know that you are still very much a part of our parish family. Each year in the Spring the parish hosts a Mass where the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is dispensed to the faithful. You may also wish to arrange for the Sacrament any time by contacting the parish office (extension 10) for a priest to visit. The Eucharist is brought each week to the home bound by the Eucharist Ministers of the parish.  To arrange for a home visitation, kindly contact our Pastoral Associate at extension 16.

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