Music Ministry
Music Director:
Cathie Naughton
Choir Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, at 7:30 p.m. in Nativity of Our Lord Church. New choir members, from 5th grade and up, are welcome. Potential members should be ready to sing a hymn of choice or a simple song. Instrumentalists are also welcome and utilized during special times during the year at the discretion of the director. Instrumentalists should come prepared to play a simple piece or hymn from the Music Hymnal.
To join the Music Ministry or to ask a question, complete the form.
Wedding Music
Please download our wedding music list and wedding worksheet. Then, listen to our sample selections and fill in your selection on the wedding worksheet. If you have any questions, please email them to our music director. Please present your wedding planner form to your wedding celebrant or the organist/pianist at least two weeks before your wedding.
Funeral Music
We are pleased to provide a variety of sample music for funeral masses. Please download our funeral hymn list and Funeral Mass Planner worksheet. Then, listen to our sample selections and fill in your selection on the funeral worksheet. If you have any questions, please email them to our organist/pianist If not, please present your form to your funeral celebrant or the parish office as soon as possible before the day of the funeral. Thank you!